Sorry but there's no trial of the DOCXPath functionality, as it's only available in Advanced and Premium licenses.
This is a simple sample about how to set left alignment in equations using DOCXPath:
require_once 'classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$mathML = '<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
<mfenced open="[" close="]">
$docx->addMathEquation($mathML, 'mathml');
$wordML = new WordFragment($docx);
$wordML->addWordML('<m:oMathParaPr><m:jc m:val="left"/></m:oMathParaPr>');
$referenceNode = array(
'customQuery' => '//m:oMathPara/m:oMath',
$docx->insertWordFragment($wordML, $referenceNode, 'before');
Although you can accomplish it using DOCXPath as this script illustrates, after you have purchased an Advanced or Premium license please send us an email to contact[at]phpdocx.com, and we'll generate a patch to be able to set alignment using a new option with addMathEquation.