
Knowing phpdocx

phpdocx is a PHP library that allows you to create dynamically Microsoft Office Word documents (.docx). The available packages are Advanced, Premium and Bureau, aimed to the generation of sophisticated Word documents.

The trial package includes basic features and doesn't include PHP namespaces. We recommend testing the trial package standalone.

The main characteristics of the available licenses are summarized in the following table:

phpdocx type of license
Trial Advanced Premium Bureau
Per subdomain Per domain Per domain/IP Per domain/IP

phpdocx LICENSES


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33% Off on LUS*

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33% Off on LUS*

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* Discount on License Update Service (LUS) for License + LUS orders

Trial Advanced Premium Bureau
phpdocx type of license Per domain Per domain/IP Per domain/IP
Dynamic spreadsheets with phpxlsx.
Dynamic presentations with phppptx.
Use the same license for multiple domains (only for licenses tied to an IP).
Add headers, footers, comments, sections, table of contents, WordFragments and many other contents using custom HTML tags.
Transform MathML equations.
Set custom styles using data- attributes.
Replace placeholders removing and mixing HTML and placeholder styles.
Apply custom attributes and styles.
Embed TTF fonts using @font-face rules.
nodejs, web browsers, and other JavaScript projects.
CommonJS (cjs), ESM (mjs) and IIFE (iife.js).
TypeScript type information.
Extra utilities.
MS Word default styles.
DOCX and PDF files as stream
Optimize templates and DOCX
Load templates in memory
Merging in-memory DOCX
Serialize templates
HHVM support
Strict variant
Bulk processing
Batch processing
Change on the fly content styles of documents created from scratch.
Change on the fly content styles of templates.
Generate code skeletons automatically.
Check server settings.
Show recommendations.
Return information.
Other commands.
Replace contents
Remove sheets
Replace contents
Remove slides
Set custom chart colors for series and values
Add background colors to charts, plot and legend areas
Rotate text contents in vertical and horizontal axes
Style vertical and horizontal axes
Added contents
Remove contents
Replace contents
Accept trackings
Reject trackings
Import contents from DOCX documents
Import selected contents from DOCX documents
DOCX and PDF password protection
DOCX and PDF encryption
Editable and protected regions
Sign DOCX documents
Line signatures
Sign PDF documents
AI phpdocx
Generate digests based on document contents.
Ethereum smart contract samples to be used with DOCX and PDF documents.
Batch processing
Package with PHP namespaces. Use phpdocx with Composer, Symfony, Drupal, Yii, Laravel and any other project, framework or CMS with PHP namespaces.
Conversion Plugin based on native PHP classes
Conversion Plugin based on LibreOffice
Conversion Plugin based on MS Word
Conversion Plugin based on OpenOffice
TOC transformation
PDF / A-1
Comments export
Form fields export
Word to HTML transformation
Plugin support to transform Word to HTML
Word to PDF transformation
Merging of multiple DOCX files
Merging DOCX at any position
Merging of multiple PDF files
Text search and replacement
Text search and highlighting
Text search and color
Search and remove contents
Remove (sub)chapters
Indexer documents
Replace chart data
Background images
Rotate PDF
Split PDF
Remove pages
Add page numbers
Attach files
Composer frameworks and projects (CakePHP, Laravel, Symfony, Yii...)
Module for Drupal 7
Module for Drupal 8
Module for Drupal 9
Extension for Joomla
Plugin for WordPress
Clone elements
Extract contents
Insert elements
Move elements
Remove elements
Replace elements
Styles information
Clone blocks
Replace blocks
Table of Authorities
Embed TTF fonts
Split DOCX files
Remove sections
Replace merge fields
Count and print the number of pages, words, characters, paragraphs, lines, tables and images of a DOCX.
25 DOCX code templates ready to use.
Transform HTML and CSS to Word
Word formatting via HTML + CSS with selectors
Standard text formatting
Complex paragraphs
External links
Page and line breaks
Widow/orphan control
Basic Lists
Nested lists
Footnotes & Endnotes
Text boxes
Advanced Word styles
Importing styles
UTF-8 encoding
WordML raw code insertion
Language properties
Customized bullets on lists (dot, square, circle)
Embedding of external RTF and DOCX documents
Insertion of external HTML and MHT files
Base templates
Use of external templates
Replacement of variables in templates
Generation of dynamical lists and tables on templates
Advanced management of template content (Blocks)
Insertion of DOCX, RTF, HTML and MHT documents on templates
Variable replacement in headers, footers, comments, endnotes and footnotes
General design options
Headers and Footers
Advanced Headers and Footers
Import Headers and Footers from external file
Page numbering
Comments, Endnotes and Footnotes
Advanced Comments, Endnotes and Footnotes
Table of Contents
Word Macros
Text in Columns
Support for web forms
Basic tables
Advanced table formatting
jpg, gif, png, bmp, webp, svg
Scaling and resizing
Advanced formatting
Insertion of MHT files to add offline images in templates
Replacement of images in templates
2D basic charts
2D advanced charts
3D charts
Extended charts
OMML support
MathML support
OLE files