
Replies: 3   Views: 2721
...get the size of an image in a word file?
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Posted by ralfjahr  · 11-06-2018 - 09:09

Hi, we use image placeholders identified by a string and replace them by images. It would be awesome if we could get the size of the image in the Word document through phpdocx instead of hard-coding this in our sources. How van we retrieve the size of an image? Thanks! -- Ralf

Posted by ralfjahr  · 12-06-2018 - 08:52

Hi, thanks for your response. We just tried getDocxPathqueryInfo, found the image, but cannot see width or height. Are we missing anything? Thank you in advance, best regards -- Ralf


$sheet = new CreateDocxFromTemplate(
                sfConfig::get("sf_app_template_dir") . "/" . 'badge-sheet.docx'

$reference_node = array(
        // "type" => "image",
        // "attributes" => ["descr" => '$LOGO$']
        'customQuery' => '//w:drawing[descendant::wp:docPr[contains(@descr, "$LOGO$")]]',

$info = $sheet->getDocxPathQueryInfo($reference_node);
array(3) {
  object(DOMNodeList)#472 (1) {
  string(61) "//w:drawing[descendant::wp:docPr[contains(@descr, "$LOGO$")]]"

object(DOMElement)#479 (17) {
  string(9) "w:drawing"
  string(9) "w:drawing"
  string(12) "444198233900"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(22) "(object value omitted)"
  string(60) ""
  string(1) "w"
  string(7) "drawing"
  string(70) "file:/C:/Users/dflagner/Documents/Shared%20Folder/p-trout-planner/web/"
  string(12) "444198233900"


Posted by admin  · 12-06-2018 - 10:09


As getDocxPathqueryInfo returns the raw data, you need to get cx and cy attributes from the node.

We recommend you to check the code in the Indexer class (extractImages method).
