I used this code snippet to tranform from msword to html it's perfectly working but not displayed table of contents
$transformHTMLPlugin = new Phpdocx\Transform\TransformDocAdvHTMLDefaultPlugin();
$transform = new Phpdocx\Transform\TransformDocAdvHTML('example_transformDocAdvHTML_1.docx');
$html = $transform->transform($transformHTMLPlugin);
echo $html;
but It displays the table of content like this
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Drupal PAGEREF _Toc55492644 \h 11.1.Drupal 7 PAGEREF _Toc55492645 \h 11.1.1.Yonas PAGEREF _Toc55492646 \h 12.Joomla PAGEREF _Toc55492647 \h 22.1Jomla 8 PAGEREF _Toc55492648 \h 2Joomla a PAGEREF _Toc55492649 \h 2WordPress PAGEREF _Toc55492650 \h 3Xxx PAGEREF _Toc55492651 \h 4
Is there any seggession. Thanks