After merging some docx files, I am trying to transform the document to HTML format, but I am getting this error:
Call to undefined method DOMText::getElementsByTagNameNS()
file: phpdocx/Classes/Phpdocx/Transform/TransformDocAdvHTML.php:2529
The merge function is as follows:
$docxMerger = new Phpdocx\Utilities\MultiMerge();
$result = $docxMerger->mergeDocx($firstDocument, $docArray, $destination, ['mergeType'=> 1,'preserveStyleDefaults' => true, 'enforceSectionPageBreak' => true, 'numbering' => 'continue']);
The transform function is the same as your example.
The issue dissapears if I open the file with MSWord and save it again.
Thank you