I recently upgraded to PHP 8 and now some docs that I try to convert to pdf run forever. It actually converts the DOC to a PDF file, but the script never stops executing.
I recently upgraded to PHP 8 and now some docs that I try to convert to pdf run forever. It actually converts the DOC to a PDF file, but the script never stops executing.
phpdocx is fully tested with all PHP versions from PHP 5.2.11 to PHP 8. It seems your server setup has some problem with the temp folder used by PHP. We recommend you to check your server logs. If the problem has come after the upgrading, we recommend you to compare the previous PHP version configuration you were using and the new one.
We also recommend you to read the documentation available on the following pages to debug and solve the most common issues when working with the conversion plugin:
· https://www.phpdocx.com/documentation/conversion-plugin/common-problems-and-possible-errors (if you are using a Windows server, the LibreOffice Windows common problems and issues section is the most important one on this page)
· https://www.phpdocx.com/documentation/conversion-plugin/debugging-libreoffice