When i use phpdocx to create documents from a template that contains a table, the generation is very (too) slow.
I've tried using a very clean template (just containing a table) but nothing seems to help.
When the query (i run against a database to get the content of the table) returns more than say 50 rows most of the time the script stops: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/changes/phpdocx/classes/CreateTemplate.inc on line 1248
My code:
$docx = new CreateDocx();
Get data from an table in an oracle database:
oci_fetch_all($q, $rows, null, null, OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW);
Add the data to the document:
$docx->addTemplateVariable( $rows, 'table', array ( 'header'=> true) )
I've tried several table's, using more or less columns, nothing seems to help.
Could you advise?
Marcel Elfring