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Barchat multiple values, multiple columns

Posted by deweb  · 19-07-2024 - 10:08

Good morning

I'm looking to make a graph like this (see the image link) ?

Multiple values, multiple columns.Is it possible ? 

I searched through the examples and didn't find any solutions.

Thanks in advance

Posted by admin  · 19-07-2024 - 18:11


We have done some tests and we are unable to generate a column chart mixing clustered and stacked columns using MS Word.

The supported column types are the following:

'groupBar' (clustered, stacked, percentStacked)
but it doesn't seem possible to mix them in the same chart.
Creating a comboChart with a clustered column chart and a stacked column chart, the columns overlap, so another chart type should be used to display the chart correctly, such as a line chart (

The following sample included in the package (sample_14.php) creates a combo chart adding column and line charts:

require_once 'classes/CreateDocx.php';

$docx = new CreateDocx();

$docx->addText('We will now add a combo chart to the Word document:');

// generate the first chart as WordFragment
$chartFragment = new WordFragment($docx);

$data = array(
    'legend' => array('Series 4', 'Series 5'),
    'data' => array(
            'name' => 'data A',
            'values' => array(40, 30),
            'name' => 'data B',
            'values' => array(50, 60),
            'name' => 'data C',
            'values' => array(10, 70),
            'name' => 'data D',
            'values' => array(20, 60),
$paramsChart = array(
    'data' => $data,
    'type' => 'lineChart',
    'symbol' => 'none',
    'smooth' => true,
    'returnChart' => true,
$comboChart = $chartFragment->addChart($paramsChart);

$data = array(
    'legend' => array('Series 1', 'Series 2', 'Series 3'),
    'data' => array(
            'name' => 'data 1',
            'values' => array(10, 7, 5),
            'name' => 'data 2',
            'values' => array(20, 60, 3),
            'name' => 'data 3',
            'values' => array(50, 33, 7),
            'name' => 'data 4',
            'values' => array(25, 0, 14),
$paramsChart = array(
    'data' => $data,
    'comboChart' => $comboChart, // set the first chart to be added
    'type' => 'colChart',
    'color' => '2',
    'perspective' => '10',
    'rotX' => '10',
    'rotY' => '10',
    'chartAlign' => 'center',
    'sizeX' => '10',
    'sizeY' => '10',
    'legendPos' => 'none',
    'legendOverlay' => '0',
    'border' => '1',
    'hgrid' => '3',
    'vgrid' => '0',
    'groupBar' => 'clustered',


We recommend you create a combo chart for this task. If you generate with MS Word a sample chart with the exact output you need to get using only column charts, please send it to contact[at] and we'll check it.
