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Mysql and template
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Posted by lorepra  · 21-05-2012 - 10:35

I have this text stored in mysql, in a table temp:

[quote]Well, here it goes: $PIECHART$ This is a simple[/quote]

I retrieve it with this code:

[code]$query="select text from temp where uid=1";
$result = mysql_query($query,$connessione);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$doc0 = new CreateDocx();

$doc1 = new CreateDocx();
$doc1->addTemplateVariable('PIECHART', 'NEW VALUE');

and the result is as expected, the placeholder PIECHART is replaced.
I got:
[quote]Well, here it goes: NEW VALUE This is a simple[/quote]

but with this code:
$query="select nome from temp where tessera=1";
$result = mysql_query($query,$connessione);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$doc0 = new CreateDocx();

$legends = array(
'legend1' => array(10, 11, 12),
'legend2' => array(30, 21, 12),
'legend3' => array(40, 41, 42)

$Chart1 =
'data' => $legends,
'type' => 'pie3DChart',
'title' => 'Title',
'cornerX' => 20,
'cornerY' => 20,
'cornerP' => 30,
'color' => 2,
'textWrap' => 0,
'sizeX' => 10,
'sizeY' => 10,
'jc' => 'right',
'showPercent' => 1,
'font' => 'Times New Roman'

$doc1 = new CreateDocx();
$doc1->addTemplateChart('PIECHART', $Chart1);

in this case the placeholder is not replaced by the chart.
What I got is:
[quote]Well, here it goes: $PIECHART$ This is a simple[/quote]

I work with linux, the filesystem is natively utf-8, mysql is still using utf-8 and also php.

Any help would be appreciated,

Posted by admin  · 11-04-2013 - 12:13


Please try and check easy/Template_chart.php example included in the library.


Posted by lorepra  · 11-04-2013 - 12:13

[quote][b]Quote from admin on May 21, 2012, 10:55[/b]

Please try and check easy/Template_chart.php example included in the library.


The example works fine, the problem is involved with the retrieve of the text from mysql.


Posted by lorepra  · 11-04-2013 - 12:13

[quote][b]Quote from admin on May 21, 2012, 10:55[/b]

Please try and check easy/Template_chart.php example included in the library.


I've tried this way:

1) Opened the Template:[b] TemplateChart.docx[/b] used by the program easy/Template_chart.php
2) Copied the text of the template in mysql, in order to have the placeholder $PIECHART$ stored
3) modified the program
require_once '../../classes/';

mb_internal_encoding( 'UTF-8' );

// the intermediate file
$myfirstdoc = new CreateDocx();

$user = '###';
$user_password = '###';
$db_name = '###';

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","$user","$user_password")or die("Connessione non riuscita: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("$db_name", $conn) or die("Errore nella selezione del database");

mysql_query( "SET NAMES utf8", $conn );
mysql_query( "SET CHARACTER SET utf8", $conn );

$query="select nome from temp where tessera=1";

$result = mysql_query($query,$connessione);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$myfirstdoc = new CreateDocx();

// At this time "myfirstdoc.docx" should be equivalent to the original
Template used in the sample program: "../files/TemplateChart.docx"

// now begin the work on the final document

$docx = new CreateDocx();

// I use the first file as Template


$legends = array(
'legend1' => array(10, 11, 12),
'legend2' => array(30, 21, 12),
'legend3' => array(40, 41, 42)

$paramsChart =
'data' => $legends,
'type' => 'pie3DChart',
'title' => 'Title',
'cornerX' => 20,
'cornerY' => 20,
'cornerP' => 30,
'color' => 2,
'textWrap' => 0,
'sizeX' => 10,
'sizeY' => 10,
'jc' => 'right',
'showPercent' => 1,
'font' => 'Times New Roman'

$docx->addTemplateChart('PIECHART', $paramsChart);


The result, using the "easy/Template_chart.php example included in the library"
is the same as above,
The placeholder $PIECHART$ is not replaced by the chart!!!

Posted by admin  · 12-04-2013 - 09:21


Please try easy/Template_chart.php example without changing anything. And open the document to see if the chart is in it.
