I was taking the example from the download to generate a line chart. However, I am not getting any labels on the X-Axis. Can anyone help me out there? (When I create a sample report online, with the 3 bars, I can see the labels).
$lineChartValues = array(
'legend' => array('SymbianOS','iOS','BlackBerry OS','Android', 'Sony Ericsson','Samsung','Other'),
'2010-05' => array('32.92', '29.01', '14.15', '3.94', '9.09', '2.86', '1.11'),
'2010-06' => array('33.39', '26.66', '14.98', '3.95', '9.81', '3.34', '1.07'),
'2010-07' => array('32.04', '26.05', '16.45', '7.91', '6.77', '2.93', '1.46'),
'2010-08' => array('31.54', '25.71', '16.95', '9.22', '6.16', '2.85', '1.43'),
'2010-09' => array('32.69', '22.85', '17.9', '9.79', '6.59', '2.96', '1.16'));
$paramsChart = array(
'data' => $lineChartValues,
'type' => 'lineChart',
'title' => 'Top 7 Mobile OSs from May 2010 to May 2011',
'color' => 2,
'sizeX' => 15,
'sizeY' => 15,
'jc' => 'center',
'groupBar' => 'clustered',
'font' => 'Arial',
'legendpos' => 'b',
'legendoverlay' => 0,
'hgrid' => 0,
'vgrid' => 0
$docx->addTemplateChart('CHART_1', $paramsChart);