Hi there,
I'm trying to merge two files together using the Pro+ version. One file has headers & footers, the other does not. It all works fine if I merge the file without headers and footers as the first file, but if it's added after the file with headers & footers, it inherits those as well. I'm using enforceSectionPageBreaks (on) and mergeType = 0.
$mergeOptions = array(
'mergeType' => 0,
'enforceSectionPageBreak' => true
$docxUtil->mergeDocx( $existing_file, $file_to_append, $new_docx_filename, $mergeOptions );
You can see the files on my server:
original with headers | original without headers | merged file with problem headers (page 2 should have no headers/footers).
I've spent over 10 hours just trying to solve this problem trying various operations on createdocx but I just can't figure this out. Please help!