this is the error ..
Strict Standards: Declaration of FPDF::_putstream() should be compatible with TCPDF::_putstream($s, $n = 0) in /home/baseet/public_html/pdf_lib/lib/fpdi/fpdi2tcpdf_bridge.php on line 167
Strict Standards: Declaration of FPDF_TPL::AddPage() should be compatible with TCPDF::AddPage($orientation = '', $format = '', $keepmargins = false, $tocpage = false) in /home/baseet/public_html/pdf_lib/lib/fpdi/fpdf_tpl.php on line 449
Strict Standards: Declaration of FPDF_TPL::SetFont() should be compatible with TCPDF::SetFont($family, $style = '', $size = 0, $fontfile = '', $subset = 'default') in /home/baseet/public_html/pdf_lib/lib/fpdi/fpdf_tpl.php on line 449
Strict Standards: Declaration of FPDF_TPL::Link() should be compatible with TCPDF::Link($x, $y, $w, $h, $link, $spaces = 0) in /home/baseet/public_html/pdf_lib/lib/fpdi/fpdf_tpl.php on line 449
Strict Standards: Declaration of FPDF_TPL::Image() should be compatible with TCPDF::Image($file, $x = '', $y = '', $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '', $align = '', $resize = false, $dpi = 300, $palign = '', $ismask = false, $imgmask = false, $border = 0, $fitbox = false, $hidden = false, $fitonpage = false) in /home/baseet/public_html/pdf_lib/lib/fpdi/fpdf_tpl.php on line 449