Hi Guys,
I have some example code here for a basic document with a header. The header contains two word fragments - an image and a text box.
Sometimes the text box is at the front, and sometimes the image is. It seems to be random each time you generate the docx. The header.jpg file is a simple 72dpi jpeg with dimensions of 3124px x 240px.
Could you please take a look and let me know if I'm doing something wrong? Thank you!
Here is the code:
$docx = new Phpdocx\Create\CreateDocx();
// Header: image
$fgmt_bg_image = new \Phpdocx\Elements\WordFragment($docx,'defaultHeader');
'src' => 'header.jpg',
'sizeX' => 500,
'sizeY' => 38,
'float' => 'center',
'textWrap' => 1,
'spacingTop' => 0,
'rawWordML' => true
// Header: text
$fgmt_text_box = new \Phpdocx\Elements\WordFragment($docx,'defaultHeader');
"My Document",
'b' => 'off',
'jc' => 'right',
'sz' => 12,
'font' => 'Arial',
'color' => '#000000',
'width' => 500,
'height' => 38,
'fillColor' => 'none',
'textWrap' => 'square',
'rawWordML' => true
// Header: finalise
$header = new \Phpdocx\Elements\WordFragment($docx,'defaultHeader');
// Add some content to the document body
Hello world! The date and time is now: ".date('d/m/Y H:i:s').".");
// Create and download the dcx file