I'm trying to generate a PDF with the following code and config but I'm having issues.
My config looks like this
; absolute path to the temp dir. If empty the default system tmp directory will be used
temp_path = ""
; if set to true: detects if the contents are UTF-8 encoded and if not encodes them
; if set to false do nothing
encode_to_UTF8 = "false"
; default document language
language = "en-US"
; default paper size
paper_size = "A4"
; right to left languages config
;bidi = "true"
;rtl = "true"
; if true, generate the DOCX as stream instead of saving if to the file system. Only available for Premium licenses
; PHPDocX license code
; subdomain (Basic license), domain (Advanced license) or IP (Premium license)
value = "[MY SERVER WAN IP]"
; transform options. Only available for Advanced and Premium licenses
; libreoffice, native, msword, openoffice
method = "libreoffice"
; libreoffice installation path, absolute path
path = "/opt/libreoffice6.2/program/soffice"
My PHP script looks like this
$html = "<b>Hello World</b>"
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->modifyPageLayout('A4', array('marginLeft' => '567', 'marginRight' => '567', 'marginTop' => '567', 'marginBottom' => '567'));
$docx->transformDocument('report.docx', 'report.pdf');
The report.docx file is successfully generated and auto downloaded in my browser but the PDF is failing.
My php error logs outputs the following
PHP Warning: rename(./report.pdf, report.pdf): No such file or directory in /website-location/includes/phpdocx-premium-9.0/classes/TransformDocAdvLibreOffice.php
What else can I check? Permissions seems fine, no errors saying anythign about permissions.