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Inserting image does not fail but there is no image in the document
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Posted by rabol  · 09-10-2023 - 17:58


I have a API which accepts base 64 encoded data and buld a document

The document is created, all normal variables is replaced except a image / signature


        $validated = $request->validate(
                'documentFile' => ['required', 'string'], // document comes as base64 encoded
                'placeholders' => ['sometimes', 'nullable', 'array'],
                'as-link' => ['sometimes', 'nullable', 'bool'],
                'sender_signature' => ['sometimes', 'nullable', 'string'], // signature comes as base64 encoded

        try {
            $inputValues = [];
            if ($request->get('placeholders')) {
                foreach ($request->get('placeholders') as $key => $value) {
                    if (is_array($value)) {
                        foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
                            $inputValues[$k] = $v;

            $filename = Str::uuid()->toString().'.docx';

            // Get the file data from the request
            $encoded_file = $request->input('documentFile');

            // Decode the file
            $decoded_file = base64_decode($encoded_file);

            if (! Storage::disk('users')->put($request->user()->id.'/one-off/'.$filename, $decoded_file)) {
                return $this->sendError('Failed to store document file');

            $path = Storage::disk('users')->path($request->user()->id.'/one-off/'.$filename);
            $docx = new CreateDocxFromTemplate($path);
            PhpdocxUtilities::$_phpdocxConfig['license']['code'] = config('authorizedoc.phpdocx.license');

            if ($request->get('sender_signature')) {
                $sender_signature_image = new WordFragment($docx, 'document');
                    'src' => $request->get('sender_signature'),
                    'scaling' => 50, // we scale to 50 because the image is 500px

                    variables: [
                        'sender_signature' => $sender_signature_image,
                    options: [
                        'type' => 'inline',

            // now… get all vars from the document
            $docx->setTemplateSymbol('${', '}');
            CreateDocxFromTemplate::$regExprVariableSymbols = '\$(?:\{|[^{$]*\>\{)[^}$]*\}';

            $documentVars = $docx->getTemplateVariables();

            // Some predefined placeholders
            $inputValues['document_id'] = Str::orderedUuid();

            $options = ['target' => 'header'];
            $docx->replaceVariableByText($inputValues, $options);

            $options = ['target' => 'footer'];
            $docx->replaceVariableByText($inputValues, $options);

            // Save the filled template
            $finalDocPath = Storage::disk('users')->path($request->user()->id.'/one-off/'.Str::orderedUuid().'.docx');


I have verified that the image is valid (by saving to a file and open it)

I have verified that the docx is valid by saving it and all 'normal' variables get replaced

I don't get any errors, but the image is not inserted

I'm sure it's something simple, but I cannot see where the issue is


Posted by admin  · 09-10-2023 - 18:48


Please note that if the placeholders in the template are using ${ } as template symbols (instead of the default $), setTemplateSymbol must be called before any replacement method:

$docx = new CreateDocxFromTemplate($path);
$docx->setTemplateSymbol('${', '}');


