
Replies: 1   Views: 122
Add structuredtag of type text

Posted by aventyret  · 03-12-2024 - 10:17

If you just add 'text' in this function in CreateDocx.php:

public function addStructuredDocumentTag($type, $options = array())
    $options = self::setRTLOptions($options);
    $sdtTypes = array('checkbox', 'comboBox', 'date', 'dropDownList', 'richText', 'text');

and then in CreateStructuredDocumentTag.php

if (isset($args[0]) && $args[0] == 'text') {
    if (isset($args[1]['placeholderText']) && !empty(isset($args[1]['placeholderText']))) {
        $sdtPr .= '<w:showingPlcHdr/>';
    $sdtPr .= '<w:text />';

It's possible to add simple text inputs instead of only richText, and then tabbing between inputs will work fine.

Posted by admin  · 03-12-2024 - 12:15


Thanks for your feedback. We have sent it to the dev team to consider adding it in the next stable release.
