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Multiples warning
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Please note this is an old forum thread. Information in this post may be out-to-date and/or erroneous.
Every phpdocx version includes new features and improvements. Previously unsupported features may have been added to newer releases, or past issues may have been corrected.
We encourage you to download the current phpdocx version and check the Documentation available.

Posted by MVa  · 20-03-2013 - 13:08


I'm trying to upgrade from V2.7 to 3.2 version of phpdocx.

My application was working fine with v2.7, when i use the same program with the v3.2 i have a lot of warnings and no document generated.

! ) Warning: log4php: It looks like your code is using an __autoload() function. log4php uses spl_autoload_register() which will bypass your __autoload() function and may break autoloading. in D:\wamp\www\methodo\helpers\phpdocx\lib\log4php\LoggerAutoloader.php on line 22

( ! ) Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in D:\wamp\www\methodo\helpers\phpdocx\classes\ on line 1519

( ! ) Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\wamp\www\methodo\helpers\phpdocx\classes\ on line 2737

( ! ) Warning: Illegal string offset 'pathDOCX' in D:\wamp\www\methodo\helpers\phpdocx\classes\ on line 2075

( ! ) Warning: Illegal string offset 'preprocess' in D:\wamp\www\methodo\helpers\phpdocx\classes\ on line 2077

Does somebody encouter the same problem and can tell me where to search to resolv my problems

thx in advance