Please check this phpdoc:
* @param mixed $type (String): numerical, alphabetical.
* @param array $options Style options to apply to the numbering
* Values:
* 'b' (on, off)
* 'color' (ffffff, ff0000...)
* 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...)
* 'i' (on, off)
* 'jc' (both, center, distribute, left, right)
* 'pageBreakBefore' (on, off)
* 'sz' (1, 2, 3...)
* 'u' (dash, dotted, double, single, wave, words)
* 'widowControl' (on, off)
* 'wordWrap' (on, off)
* 'lineSpacing' 120, 240 (standard), 480...,
* 'indent_left' 100...,
* 'indent_right' 100...
* 'defaultValue' (int)
* 'rawWordML' (boolean)
public function addPageNumber($type = 'numerical', $options = array('defaultValue' => 1, 'rawWordML' => false))
That are all options you can use with the current version of PHPDocX.