You can set cell properties through the $tableData properties:
* 'value' (mixed) a string or WordFragment
* 'rowspan' (int)
* 'colspan' (int)
* 'width' (int) in twentieths of a point
* 'border' (nil, single, double, dashed, threeDEngrave, threeDEmboss, outset, inset, ...)
* this value can be override for each side with 'borderTop', 'borderRight', 'borderBottom' and 'borderLeft'
* 'borderColor' (ffffff, ff0000)
* this value can be override for each side with 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor' and 'borderLeftColor'
* 'borderSpacing' (0, 1, 2...)
* this value can be override for each side with 'borderTopSpacing', 'borderRightSpacing', 'borderBottomSpacing' and 'borderLeftSpacing'
* 'borderWidth' (10, 11...) in eights of a point
* this value can be override for each side with 'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidth' and 'borderLeftWidth'
* 'background_color' (ffffff, ff0000)
* 'noWrap' (boolean)
* 'cellMargin' (mixed) an integer value or an array:
* 'top' (int) in twentieths of a point
* 'right' (int) in twentieths of a point
* 'bottom' (int) in twentieths of a point
* 'left' (int) in twentieths of a point
* 'textDirection' (string) available values are: tbRl and btLr
* 'fitText' (boolean) if true fits the text to the size of the cell
* 'vAlign' (string) vertical align of text: top, center, both or bottom
And you also can use WordFragments to format the cell content or even use a custom template whit a table that you replace its content and then merge into the document.