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Header and footer not showing
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Posted by Simco uwkm  · 20-12-2017 - 10:25

now i'm totaly lost, just have this code in my extension:

namespace UWKM\UwkmOffer\Controller;

class OfferController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController

        public function submitAction()

                require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../Lib/Classes/Phpdocx/');

                $docx = new \Phpdocx\Create\CreateDocx();
                $footerImageOptions = array(
                        'src' => __DIR__ . '/../../Resources/Public/Images/simco_footer.png', 
                $footerImage = new \Phpdocx\Elements\WordFragment($docx, 'defaultFooter');
                $headerElements = new \Phpdocx\Elements\WordFragment($docx, 'headers');
                $headView = $this->offerRepository->getTemplateHtml('Offer', 'header');
                $headView->assign('image', __DIR__ .'/../../Resources/Public/Images/simco_header2.png');
                $headView->assign('addressInfo', 'Simco-ION
Aalsvoort 74
7241 MB Lochem
The Netherlands
+31 (0)753 288378
+31 (0)573 288390');

                $headerElements->embedHTML($headView->render(), array('downloadImages'=>true));
                $docx->addHeader(array('first'=>$headerElements, 'default' => $headerElements));
                $docx->addFooter(array('first'=>$footerImage,'default' => $footerImage));

wel resulting docx is without images here. is it bugging due script using namespace too ?