I have the following HTML code
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$html = '
ol.decimal {
counter-reset: item;
ol.decimal li {
display: block;
position: relative;
ol.decimal li:before {
content: counters(item, ".")".";
counter-increment: item;
position: absolute;
margin-right: 100%;
right: 10px;
<ol class="decimal">
<ol class="decimal">
<ol class="decimal">
Which should give me in a result
1. Item
2. Item
2. Item
4. Item
4.1 Item
4.2 Item
4.3 Item
4.4 Item
4.4.1 Item
4.4.2 Item
4.4.3 Item
4.4.4 Item
But instead of this, I am getting simple numeric lists. I guess that 'counter-increment' is not supported. Please, advise me on how to achieve the necessary look?