Original DOCX:
My code:
$docxFinal = new CreateDocx(); $docxFinal->importContents('ArticoloClelia.docx', ['type' => 'paragraph']); $docxFinal->embedFont('fonts/Roboto/roboto.ttf', 'Roboto'); $docxFinal->embedFont('fonts/Roboto/robotoi.ttf', 'Roboto', ['styleEmbeding' => 'Italic']); $docxFinal->embedFont('fonts/Roboto/robotob.ttf', 'Roboto', ['styleEmbeding' => 'Bold']); $docxFinal->embedFont('fonts/Roboto/robotobi.ttf', 'Roboto', ['styleEmbeding' => 'BoldItalic']); $docxFinal->setDefaultFont('Roboto'); $defaultStyle = [ 'color' => '000000', 'italic' => false, 'bold' => false, 'font' => 'Roboto', 'fontSize' => (12 * 2), 'textAlign' => 'both', 'lineSpacing' => 360 ]; $docxFinal->setDocumentDefaultStyles($defaultStyle); $docxFinal->customizeWordContent( [ 'type' => 'style', 'target' => 'style', 'customAttribute' => '//w:body/w:r[1=1 and descendant::w:rFonts[contains(@w:ascii, "*")]]' ], [ 'color' => 'FF0000', 'bold' => false, 'italic' => false, 'font' => 'Roboto', 'fontSize' => 12, 'lineSpacing' => 360, 'spacingTop' => 90, 'textAlign' => 'both' ] ); $docxFinal->customizeWordContent( [ 'type' => 'style', 'target' => 'style', 'attributes' => ['w:*' => ['w:val' => 'ContenutoArticolo']] ], [ 'color' => '000000', 'bold' => false, 'italic' => false, 'font' => 'Roboto', 'fontSize' => 12, 'lineSpacing' => 360, 'spacingTop' => 90, 'textAlign' => 'both' ] ); $docxFinal->customizeWordContent( [ 'type' => 'style', 'target' => 'style', 'attributes' => ['w:*' => ['w:val' => 'TitoloCapitolo']] ], [ 'bold' => true, 'italic' => false, 'color' => '000000', 'font' => 'Roboto', 'fontSize'=> 14, 'lineSpacing' => 240, 'spacingTop' => 360, 'spacingBottom' => 240, 'textAlign' => 'both' ] ); $docxFinal->customizeWordContent( [ 'type' => 'style', 'target' => 'style', 'attributes' => ['w:*' => ['w:val' => 'TitoloSottoCapitolo']] ], [ 'bold' => false, 'italic' => true, 'color' => '000000', 'font' => 'Roboto', 'lineSpacing' => 240, 'textAlign' => 'both' ] ); $docxFinal->customizeWordContent( [ 'type' => 'style', 'target' => 'style', 'attributes' => ['w:*' => ['w:val' => 'NoteArticolo']] ], [ 'color' => '000000', 'font' => 'Roboto', 'fontSize'=> 8, 'lineSpacing' => 240, 'textAlign' => 'both' ] ); $docxFinal->modifyPageLayout('A4',[ 'marginTop' => $this->cm2twips(3.5), 'marginBottom' => $this->cm2twips(3.5), 'marginLeft' => $this->cm2twips(4.5), 'marginRight' => $this->cm2twips(4.5), ]); $docxFinal->createDocx('ArticoloClelia_final.docx');
Final document:
The script change color of text but not the font. I tried to change the "type" and "target" in all possible values but no changes.