By default, phpdocx adds footnoteTextPHPDOCX as paragraph style to footnote contents. If you want to override it, you need to set a custom paragraph style creating a WordFragment:
$wordFragmentFootnote = new WordFragment($docx, 'footnote');
$wordFragmentFootnote->addText('Footnote content', array('pStyle' => 'custom_paragraph_style'));
'textDocument' => 'footnote',
'textFootnote' => $wordFragmentFootnote,
'footnoteMark' => array('customMark' => '*')
There's no option to get if there's a footnote style in a DOCX template and apply it to new footnotes automatically (many DOCX don't have a speficic style for footnotes). It must be applied using the pStyle option, although it could be queried using methods such as getWordStyles.