How are you adding the hyperlink and what conversion plugin are you using?
Hyperlinks allow applying custom character styles and other styles. For example:
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$linkOptions = array(
'url'=> 'http://www.google.com',
'color' => 'B70000',
'underline' => 'none',
'strikeThrough' => false,
$docx->addLink('Link to Google in red color and not underlined', $linkOptions);
$docx->transformDocument('document.docx', 'document.pdf');
The PDF is generated with the same styles as the DOCX source: the link has B70000 color and no underline.
Or using HTML:
$docx->embedHTML('<a href="www.google.com" style="color: green;">My link</a>');
If you are using a template, the existing styles aren't removed unless you request it using DOCXPath, DOCXCustomizer or other similar feature.
If you need to customize the styles of an existing hyperlink on-the-fly, you need to use customizeWordContent available in Premium licenses.