All documents (DOCX, PDF, XLSX, PPTX) can be signed using more than one signature using signature methods included in Premium licenses (https://www.phpdocx.com/documentation/introduction/digital-signature-docx-pdf-PHP).
For example, you can sign a DOCX:
$sign = new SignDOCX();
$sign->setPrivateKey('key_1.pem', 'phpdocx');
$sign->setSignatureComments('This document has been signed.');
If you change the signed DOCX using phpdocx or any other tool, MS Word and other DOCX readers will display a message that the document has changed and the signature is not valid.
The same DOCX can be signed again adding a new signature (the same or other signature):
$sign = new SignDOCX();
$sign->setPrivateKey('key_2.pem', 'otherpassword');
$sign->setSignatureComments('This document has been signed.');
and you'll get a DOCX with two signatures (or more if needed).
Since phpdocx 12, the Indexer class (https://www.phpdocx.com/api-documentation/docxutilities/indexer-parse-word-documents-with-PHP) allows extracing signatures information from a DOCX.