If you are creating the tables using the addTable method you can use the following option:
* 'conditionalFormatting' (array) with the following keys and values:
* 'firstRow' (bool) first table row conditional formatting
* 'lastRow' (bool) last table row conditional formatting
* 'firstCol' (bool) first table column conditional formatting
* 'lastCol' (bool) last table column conditional formatting
* 'noHBand' (bool) do not apply row banding conditional formatting
* 'noVBand' (bool) do not apply column banding conditional formatting
If you need to change existing tables in a DOCX you can use DOCXCustomizer setting the customAttributes option applied to the w:tblLook tag and the w:lastColumn attribute (or w:val if the DOCX has been created with the 2003 old standard).