Dear support,
I am using addImage to insert a images in a document. My problem is that all images have automatically an alt text set with the absolute image path. I really need to remove the alt text but I don't find how in your documentation.
Here is the code I am using to add the image.
I have an advanced licence v10.0.
$options = array( 'src' => $path, 'imageAlign' => $align, 'height' => $dimension['height'], 'width' => $dimension['width'], 'textWrap' => 0, 'spacingTop' => 10, 'spacingBottom' => 10, 'spacingLeft' => 10, 'spacingRight' => 10, 'caption' => array('show_label' => false, 'text' => ''), 'descr' => '', 'description' => '', 'title' => '' ); $this->docx->addImage($options);
Thank you for your support and best regards,
Sébastien Despont