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Using getwordstyles with a type

Posted by admin  · 16-07-2024 - 17:46


We recommend you test the samples included in the package (examples/DocxPath/getWordStyles).

All supported types are working correctly. * is a global DOCXPath selector, so a custom type should be chosen to get elements:

chart, image, default, list, paragraph (also for links and lists), run, style, table, table-row, table-cell, table-cell-paragraph

some of the these types may not be supported in phpdocx 12. These are the supported types in phpdocx 15.

Please note that by default, the parent is the main document body, maybe you need to choose '/' to set any parent query:

Main document body as default, allows to set any parent or a specific one. w:body (default), '/' (any parent) or any other specific parent (/w:tbl/, /w:tc/, /w:r/...).

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