
Replies: 4   Views: 87
Table in table cell without padding

Posted by admin  · 03-12-2024 - 11:37


We recommend you remove the cell margin from the inner table, not from the outer table. Unless you apply a margin/spacing style to specific contents, all cell contents get the same cell margin.

As detailed on the addTable API documentation page (, you can use the cellMargin option to set the cell margins applied to all cells in the table:

$table = [

$tableOptions = [
    'tableLayout' => 'fixed',
    'tableStyle' => 'PlainTablePHPDOCX',
    'cellMargin' => [
        'left' => 0,
        'top' => 0,
        'bottom' => 0,
        'right' => 0,

$docx->addTable($table, $tableOptions);

or to specific cells:

$table = [
            'value' => $col1,
            'cellMargin' => [
                'left' => 0,
                'top' => 0,
                'bottom' => 0,
                'right' => 0,
            'value' => $col2,
            'cellMargin' => [
                'left' => 200,
                'top' => 0,
                'bottom' => 0,
                'right' => 200,

$tableOptions = [
    'tableLayout' => 'fixed',
    'tableStyle' => 'PlainTablePHPDOCX',

$docx->addTable($table, $tableOptions);

Also please note that using a fixed layout, we recommend you set the column widths:

$table = [
            'value' => $col1,
            'cellMargin' => [
                'left' => 0,
                'top' => 0,
                'bottom' => 0,
                'right' => 0,
            'value' => $col2,
            'cellMargin' => [
                'left' => 200,
                'top' => 0,
                'bottom' => 0,
                'right' => 200,

$tableOptions = [
    'tableLayout' => 'fixed',
    'tableStyle' => 'PlainTablePHPDOCX',
    'columnWidths' => [1400,1400],

$docx->addTable($table, $tableOptions);

Otherwise, you can get strange cell outputs when applying custom margins.
