
Replies: 3   Views: 3489
How added page-of option to insert numberings of the “page x of y” in format x/y.
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Posted by DenisIdo  · 13-10-2016 - 13:47

The new version has the ability to add page numbers.
I use the example code

$docx = new CreateDocx();

$style = array(
    'bold' => true,
    'color' => 'B70000',
    'sz' => 30,

// create a custom style
$docx->createParagraphStyle('pgStyle', $style);

// create a Word fragment to insert in the footer
$numbering = new WordFragment($docx, 'defaultFooter');
//sert some formatting options
$options = array(
    'textAlign' => 'right',
    'pStyle' => 'pgStyle',
$numbering->addPageNumber('page-of', $options);

$docx->addFooter(array('default' => $numbering));

When using this feature, I kind of numbering is shown Page X of Y.

How can I change the output format to the X / Y?

How can I translate the text "Page of" another language?