HTML Extended: <phpdocx_shape> tag

<phpdocx_shape> tag


Inserts a shape.

HTML Extended (Premium licenses)
Attribute Description
data-type arc, curve, line, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, oval
data-width Shape width given in points.
data-height Shape height given in points.
data-position The possible values are: absolute, relative.
data-margin-top The possible values are: absolute, relative.
data-margin-left Left margin given in points.
data-z-index Equivalent to the CSS z-index property. Choose a high positive number to make sure that the shape is over the text or a negative number if you want the shape to be behind the text.
data-strokecolor The chosen line color in hexadecimal value: #ff0000, #00ffff.
data-strokeweight The width of the line in points: 1.0 pt, 3.5 pt...
data-fillcolor The chosen fill color in hexadecimal value: #ff0000, #00ffff.
data-textContent A plain text string.

Options for specific types:

Attribute Description
data-startAngle The angle of the tangent line at the initial point of the arc.
data-endAngle The angle of the tangent line at the final point of the arc.
line and curve
data-from The x and y coordinates of the initial point in the format "x,y".
data-to The x and y coordinates of the final point in the format "x,y".
data-control1 The final control point for the bezier curve (it does not apply for plain lines) in the format "x,y".
data-control2 The final control point for the bezier curve (it does not apply for plain lines) in the format "x,y".
data-arcsize A number describing the "roundness" of the rectangle corners: 0.5, 1.8.
data-path The VML path describing the shape. You need a working knowledge of the VML standard.
data-coordsize The VML path describing the shape. You need a working knowledge of the VML standard.
Code samples

Example #1

The resulting Word document looks like: