HTML Standard: <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> tags
- <a>
- <b>, <strong>
- <br>
- <caption>, <figcaption>
- <div>
- <dl>, <dt>, <dd>
- <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
- <hr>
- <i>, <em>, <cite>, <var>
- <input>
- <img>
- <mark>
- <p>, <address>, <blockquote>
- <pre>
- <s>
- <select>, <option>
- <small>
- <span>
- <sub>
- <sup>
- <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>
- <textarea>
- <u>, <ins>, <del>
- <ul>, <ol>, <li>
- <math>
- <meta>
- <phpdocx_bookmark>
- <phpdocx_break>
- <phpdocx_comment>
- <phpdocx_crossreference>
- <phpdocx_dateandhour>
- <phpdocx_endnote>
- <phpdocx_footer>
- <phpdocx_footnote>
- <phpdocx_formelement>
- <phpdocx_header>
- <phpdocx_heading>
- <phpdocx_image>
- <phpdocx_link>
- <phpdocx_mathequation>
- <phpdocx_mergefield>
- <phpdocx_modifypagelayout>
- <phpdocx_ole>
- <phpdocx_onlinevideo>
- <phpdocx_pagenumber>
- <phpdocx_section>
- <phpdocx_shape>
- <phpdocx_simplefield>
- <phpdocx_structureddocumenttag>
- <phpdocx_tablecontents>
- <phpdocx_tablefigures>
- <phpdocx_text>
- <phpdocx_textbox>
- <phpdocx_wordfragment>
- <phpdocx_wordml>
- <svg>
- <title>
<table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> tags
Inserts a table.
Attributes <table>
Attribute | Description |
align | Table alignment: center, left, right. |
border | A line border for the table. |
cellspacing | Cell spacing. |
class | One or more classes. This attribute used with the wordStyles option allows applying a custom table style. |
dir | Direction style: ltr, rtl. |
id | Id. |
style | Inline styles. Styles can also be applied using style tags. |
Attributes <tr>
Attribute | Description |
class | One or more classes. |
id | Id. |
style | Inline styles. Styles can also be applied using style tags. |
Attributes <td>, <th>
Attribute | Description |
class | One or more classes. |
colspan | Number of columns for a cell to span. |
dir | Direction style: ltr, rtl, lrTb, tbRl, btLr, lrTbV, tbRlV, tbLrV. |
id | Id. |
rowspan | Number of rows for a cell to span. |
style | Inline styles. Styles can also be applied using style tags. |
Styles <table>
Style | Description |
background-color |
border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left |
border-collapse |
border-spacing |
direction |
display |
float |
margin-left |
padding-right, padding-left |
table-layout |
width |
Styles <tr>
Style | Description |
background-color |
border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left |
display |
height |
page-break-inside |
Styles <td>, <th>
Style | Description |
background-color |
border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left |
direction |
margin, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left |
padding, padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left |
vertical-align |
width |
white-space |
Custom MS Word styles
Using createTableStyle and HTML, custom table styles can be applied to use more styles.
HTML Extended (Premium licenses)
Attribute | Description |
data-tblpr | Applies a custom tblPr style. |
data-trpr | Applies a custom trPr style. |
data-tcpr | Applies a custom tcPr style. |
CSS Extended (Premium licenses)
Style | Description |
data-fit-text |
Text fits the width of the cell:
MS Word supports up to 63 columns in a table.
MS Word and many other DOCX readers handle automatic sizes in many cases. When adding complex tables with colspans or many columns or using DOCX readers that don't handle automatic sizes correctly (such as Google Docs), it's recommended setting column widths to get a correct output.