


Bulk processing. Replaces a placeholder within an image by a new image.

public replaceImage (array $variables, array $options)


This is an array that each position sets a DOCX document. In this array, another array set the new contents.


The possible keys and values of this array are:

Key Type Description
dpi int Dots per inch. This parameter is only taken into account if width or height are set to auto.
firstMatch boolean If the variable appears more than once within the Word document and firstMatch is set to true, phpdocx will only replace the first occurrence of the variable within the Word document.
height mixed The value in cm (float) or 'auto' (use image size).
mime string Forces a mime (image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/bmp, image/webp)
streamMode bool If true, uses src as stream. PHP 5.4 or greater needed to autodetect the mime type; otherwise set it using mime option. Default is false.
target array Possible values are: document, header, footer (all as default).
width mixed The value in cm (float) or 'auto' (use image size).

Image does not exist.

Image format not supported.

getimagesizefromstring not available using streamMode and mime/height/width values are not set.

Code samples

Example #1

Release notes
  • phpdocx 15.0:
    • WebP images.
  • phpdocx 13.0:
    • optimized working with documents with many images.
  • phpdocx 10.0:
    • new method.