XML API - pdx:mergePdf
- addBackgroundImage
- addFooter
- addHeader
- addLineNumbering
- addMacroFromDoc
- addPageBorders
- addProperties
- addSection
- createCharacterStyle
- createListStyle
- createParagraphStyle
- docxSettings
- importHeadersAndFooters
- importListStyle
- importStyles
- modifyPageLayout
- parseStyles
- removeFooters
- removeHeaders
- setBackgroundColor
- setDefaultFont
- setDocumentDefaultStyles
- setEncodeUTF8
- setLanguage
- setMarkAsFinal
- addBookmark
- addBreak
- addChart
- addComment
- addCrossReference
- addDateAndHour
- addEndnote
- addExternalFile
- addFootnote
- addFormElement
- addHeading
- addImage
- addLink
- addList
- addMathEquation
- addMergeField
- addOnlineVideo
- addPageNumber
- addShape
- addSimpleField
- addStructuredDocumentTag
- addTable
- addTableContents
- addTableFigures
- addText
- addTextBox
- addWordML
- embedHTML
- clearBlocks
- deleteBlock
- modifyInputFields
- processTemplate
- rawSearchAndReplace
- removeTemplateVariable
- replaceListVariable
- replacePlaceholderImage
- replaceTableVariable
- replaceVariableByExternalFile
- replaceVariableByHtml
- replaceVariableByText
- replaceVariableByWordFragment
- replaceVariableByWordML
- setTemplateSymbol
- setTemplateBlockSymbol
Merges two or more PDF documents.
You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to mergePdf.
Element definition
This element allows the full merging of PDF documents.
Attributes and sub-elements
The destination path of the merged file.
Import annotations (links, comments and others).