XML API - pdx:embedHTML


Inserts HTML content into the Word document.


You are reading the XML API documentation. For the PHP API method please go to embedHTML.


Element definition

This element allows the insertion of HTML into the current Word document.

Practically all HTML tags and CSS styles are supported.

This element transforms HTML directly into WordML and it is compatible with OpenOffice and PDF conversion.

You may find a more detailed explanation of this useful element in the HTML to Word section of the API documentation.

Attributes and sub-elements


The html code to be translated into WordML: it could be a string or the path to a file.


Key Description
addDefaultStyles True as default, if false prevents adding default styles when strictWordStyles is false.
baseURL The base URL used to complete the relative paths of links and images.
customListStyles If true checks if there is a custom list style with that name and uses it.
downloadImages If true inserts the images into the DOCX document, otherwise just links them as an external source.
filter Only renders the filtered contents. It could be an string denoting an id ('#myId'), a class ('.myClass'), a HTML tag or a valid XPath expression ('//expression').
isFile True for files and false for strings.
parseAnchors If true parses the anchors included in the HTML code.
parseDivsAsPs If true parses the div elements as paragraphs.
parseFloats If true preserves the floating properties of images and tables.
removeLineBreaks If true removes extra line breaks that can be generated when transforming HTML that includes strings without a parent tag.
strictWordStyles If true ignores all CSS styles and uses the styles set via the wordStyles option (see next).
wordStyles One may associate different Word styles to HTML classes, ids or tags.
Code samples

Example #1




PHP code

The resulting Word document looks like: